Milton, MA - Labouré College of Healthcare has been named #2 in the country for highest earning associate degree graduates according to Payscale’s 2024 College Salary Report and in the top 3% of Georgetown University’s A First Try at ROI report.
Payscale releases an annual report ranking colleges based on salary survey data from nearly 3.1 million college graduates in the United States. Labouré was ranked second in salary potential out of 1,195 schools nationwide.
"Labouré nurses and healthcare professionals bring tremendous value to our Greater Boston communities,” said Labouré President Lily S. Hsu, Ed.D. “It is gratifying to see that the care they provide is fairly recognized and that our graduates can support their families while following their passion.”
Georgetown University’s A First Try at ROI report, produced by their Center on Education and the Workforce also ranked Labouré #120 nationwide. The report reviewed over 4,500 colleges across the country – including two-year, four-year, and certificate programs – and scored them based on their graduates’ potential future earnings. Despite considerable competition, Labouré landed in the top 3% of colleges with the highest ROI and was one of only six associate-level programs in the top 120.
Related Links: Labouré College of Healthcare Celebrates 2024 Commencement Ceremony
“Stackable degrees allow our graduates to start working as a registered nurse earlier than in a traditional four-year program. In two years, they enter a respected career with benefits and family-sustaining salaries. After gaining experience, many of our nurses enroll in our online bachelor’s completion program (RN-BSN) and take courses while they work. This is the format our students need. They are adults, raising families – they don't have four years to dedicate to school before seeing a return on their tuition investment,” stated Eileen Costello, DNP, Dean of Nursing.
Labouré’s local, adult student population is changing the face of greater Boston’s nursing workforce. Graduates represent the cultures of the Massachusetts’ patient population on a scale unmatched by any other nursing program in New England. At 68% racial and ethnic diversity, approximately 40% multilingual, and many new to this country or first-generation American, Labouré students are rooted in our local communities. With an average age of 35 and the majority raising families, Labouré students are accessing the means to both follow a professional calling and financially support their families, in many cases breaking the cycle of poverty.
This academic year, the college is welcoming approximately 300 new students into its nursing program.
For questions, please contact Katelyn Dwyer
About Labouré:
Labouré College of Healthcare is a private, independent college located in Milton, Massachusetts. Established in 1892, the college is a pillar of Greater Boston healthcare, offering degree programs in Nursing, Respiratory Care, Health Science, and more. Learn more now at
About our sources:
As the industry leader in compensation management, Payscale is on a mission to help job seekers, employees, and businesses get pay right and to make sustainable, fair pay a reality. To access the 2024 College Salary Report’s full rankings and methodology, visit
The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (CEW) is a research and policy institute within Georgetown’s McCourt School of Public Policy. CEW studies the links between education, career qualifications, and workforce demands. To access the full rankings and methodology for the CEW “A First Try” ROI report visit