Health Science
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Associate of Science
in Health Science

Start building your strong foundational knowledge of healthcare delivery.

healthcare occupations in demand

Tap into your growth potential

In the coming decades, healthcare occupations are projected to add millions of jobs. That means your skills and knowledge will be in demand.

Some job titles you may be eligible for with a health science degree from Labouré are:

  • Health unit coordinator
  • Phlebotomist
  • Medical office specialist
  • EKG technician
  • Medical secretary
Health Science Degree

Already in healthcare? Turn your specialty into a degree

Are you ready to take your skills, abilities, and career to the next level?

Students who have taken courses toward a healthcare specialty or discipline, or who hold a certificate or healthcare credential already may be able to  transfer those credits toward their associate degree. Not only does this increase your value as an employee, but it also affords you access to a wider variety of potentially higher paying jobs.

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Blue ECG heartbeat on black background

Hands-On Elective Options

EKG Technicians administer non-invasive tests to assess a patient’s cardiovascular system; they record electrical signals sent by the heart.

Phlebotomists are clinical team members responsible for drawing blood and specimens for diagnostic testing.

Health Science Electives

Online Elective Combos

As a Generalist you will explore contemporary health issues including global health and an introduction to epidemiology.

Gerontology is the study of aging and care for older adults. This is the fastest growing patient population, with elder care making up a significant portion of the US healthcare system. You can select a variety of courses in gerontology to meet your elective credit needs. 

By choosing the Medical Administrative Assistant courses as electives, you will be prepared to play an important role in a patient’s experience - and one that is critical to medical offices and healthcare facilities - and be eligible to take the exam to become a Certified Medical Administrative Assistant. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Program Outcomes
What kind of jobs can I get?
Will I be able to find a job?

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