'Caring for elders is a calling I’ve been proud to answer'

Labouré College Board Profile: Bill J. McGinley

Bill McGinley color jpegMILTON, MA: Labouré College welcomes Bill McGinley CNHA, CAS, CALA, HSE, FACHCA as the newest member of its Board of Directors. McGinley is the President and CEO of the American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA), the only professional organization representing long-term care administrators. His career spans over 40 years in long-term care administration and healthcare management.

 “I’m pleased to be able to contribute to Labouré’s mission of providing quality healthcare education to a diverse student population. I am particularly excited to participate in the advent of a healthcare management program,” said McGinley of his appointment in February.

Under the leadership of new president, Dr. Lily Hsu, the College is expanding its offerings in healthcare career education – both at its Milton campus and online. “Labouré College has a long history of innovating programs in response to the workforce needs of the healthcare industry. Bill’s expertise and perspective will be an invaluable resource as we build the College’s future,” said President Hsu.

McGinley has been a Nursing Home Administrator since 1982. He began his career with the Greenery Rehabilitation Group, Inc. a nationally known leader in the field of head-injury rehabilitation and sub-acute care. Much of his career was with SALMON Health and Retirement, a Massachusetts family owned company. From 2015 to 2017 he was the executive director of New Pond Village, a continuing care retirement community in Walpole.

For McGinley, this work is personally gratifying, stating: “Long term care has always been my passion. Caring for elders and others who are unable to care for themselves is a calling that I have been proud to answer.”

In May of 2010 McGinley was named Outstanding Member of the American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA). In 2017 ACHCA named him as the recipient of the Distinguished Assisted Living Administrator Award. He is the past President of the Massachusetts Chapter of the American College of Health Care Administrators. He was a founding trustee of the MetroWest Health Care Foundation and served as chair of the MetroWest Healthcare Foundation Commission on Healthy Aging.

Bill is a resident of Natick, MA where he resides with his wife, Susan.

About Labouré CollegeEstablished in 1892 by the Daughters of Charity, Labouré is the longest provider of nurses in the Boston area. Labouré is an independent, private, non-profit college, specializing in nursing and healthcare career education both on-campus and online. The College is located at 303 Adams Street in Milton, Massachusetts. 

More About Bill McGinley:  McGinley holds an MBA from Boston University with a concentration in Health Care Management. He is a Fellow of the America College of Health Care Administrators (FACHCA). He is also a Certified Nursing Home Administrator (CNHA), Certified Administrator of Sub-Acute Care (CAS), and a Certified Assisted Living Administrator (CALA). He is certified as an assisted living director (CDAL) by the Senior Living Certification Commission, and recently became only the third person in the country to achieve the Health Services Executive (HSE) credential from the National Association of Long-Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB).

For more information please contact:
Katelyn Dwyer
Director of Communications and Development

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