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Labouré Faculty & Staff Walk for Jimmy Fund

Joe Cullen, Chairperson of General Education, organized and led a team from Labouré in the 10k Boston Marathon® Jimmy Fund Walk on September 24th. The event had over 9,300 walkers. Here's what he had to say about the transformative experience. 


"Team Labouré was a great success with all three of its members – Ramblin’ Rebecca Johnson, Marchin’ Matthew Gregory, and Jaunty Joe Cullen – finishing the 10k walk in under 2 hours (not including snack and shopping breaks, of which there were many).  Despite our sore feet, we all had a wonderful time!

On a more serious note, all three of us were deeply moved by the numerous acts of selfless devotion we witnessed throughout the day.  More than 9,000 people from all walks of life participated in the event.  Many walked to honor lost loved ones, others walked to give thanks for their healing and recovery.   Everyone was there to celebrate the good things in life and to support the wonderful work being done by the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

"In a world that has been so focused on conflict and disaster, it was a pleasure to participate in an event that showcased the best that humanity has to offer. I hope that you consider walking next year.  It’s an experience you won’t forget.  As for me, I plan to do this every year as long as I my legs will carry me," said Cullen. 

The team raised $1091 in pledges, exceeding their team goal of $1000. 

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