Labouré College Ranked 3rd by PayScale for Highest Paid Assoc. Degree


We are excited to announce that Labouré College was recently ranked #3 in's 2019-2020 College Salary Report for highest paid associate degrees.

The report breaks down the research by degree and major and ranks institutions based on their salary potential. "PayScale's College Salary Report helps you research colleges, majors, and careers based on how much salary you could earn by the time you reach mid-career if you attend a specific college," according to "We call this salary potential, and we use it to calculate our rankings which come from the alumni salary data of 3.2 million respondents representing over 4,000 universities across the U.S.."

We are so proud of the tremendous work our students put into their programs, and the incredible careers in caring for others that they embark on upon graduation.

Labouré has been preparing students for healthcare careers for more than 125 years, and we couldn't be more pleased that our alumni, students, and future students are leaving us with a rewarding career with an equally rewarding salary at the end of their program. 

Interested in learning more about Labouré's programs?

About PayScale: 
PayScale pioneered the use of big data and unique matching algorithms to power the world’s most advanced compensation platform and continues to be the compensation market leader, featured in G2 Crowd's 100 Best Software Companies for 2018, based on user reviews. (

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