The College is pleased to announce that the abstract submitted by Professor Lawrence Roberge, PhD, has been selected for poster presentation at The Chemical and Biological Defense Science & Technology (CBD S&T) Conference at the November 2017 gathering in Long Beach, CA. The abstract is titled, “Prions as a Potential Bioweapon – Hazard Prediction and Risk Analysis,”.
Professor Roberge teaches Anatomy and Physiology at Labouré College. His academic interests and areas of research include: Next Generation Biological Weapons and counterstrategies; Invasive Species; Biodefense and biosecurity strategies; Weapons of Mass Destruction; Biological and chemical weapons counteragents; and Environmental Niche Modeling.
About the Chemical and Biological Defense Science & Technology Conference:
Hosted by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the conference offers the opportunity to review the latest and most dynamic developments in basic and applied scientific research within the chemical and biological defense arena. The conference is an important event for scientists, researchers, program managers, leadership and students within the chemical and biological defense community. Charged with safeguarding our warfighters and our nation, DTRA’s Chemical and Biological Technologies Department sponsors the conference and brings together the chem/bio defense community’s best and brightest from around the world. Attendees can join an expanding group of chem/bio defense professionals and exchange ideas, information, and research in a collaborative setting. The conference is a premier event that combines and showcases the latest developments in the medical and physical science disciplines of chemical and biological defense.