Labouré Faculty & Staff Walk for Jimmy Fund
Joe Cullen, Chairperson of General Education, organized & led a team from Labouré in the 10k Boston Marathon® Jimmy Fund Walk on September 24th.
David Willey, author & former BBC correspondent, visited Laboure College on April 5th to speak about his forty-plus years covering the Vatican as a BBC correspondent, as well as his new book, The Promise of Francis: The Man, the Pope and the Challenge of Change.
Labouré College was the first institution on Willey's five college tour. Mr. Willey offered insights on the first two years of Pope Francis's papacy and thoughts on what is still yet to come.
You can watch the entire video here.
Joe Cullen, Chairperson of General Education, organized & led a team from Labouré in the 10k Boston Marathon® Jimmy Fund Walk on September 24th.
Labouré College received a donation of over $400,000 from the Park Street Corporation, which closed in 2015. The Directors of Park Street Corporation reviewed a large number of worthy causes in Greater Boston.
Labouré College is celebrating its 125th anniversary with a liturgy. The College is proud to host the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley.
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