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Cardinal  Seán O'Malley to offer Liturgy celebrating Labouré College’s 125th Anniversary


Labouré College is celebrating its 125th anniversary in healthcare education with a liturgy on Friday, September 29, 2017. The College is proud to host the Archbishop of Boston, His Eminence Cardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley, OFM Cap. 

The College was founded in 1892 as the Carney Hospital Training School for Nurses in South Boston sponsored by the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul. The Daughters of Charity, founded in France in 1633, followed St. Vincent de Paul’s instruction to work and live among those they served, working with the poor and addressing the issues they faced. As the Daughters of Charity expanded throughout the world, their mission remained unchanged and they set up schools, hospitals, and other charitable programs wherever they were needed.

Leo Thibault, College Mission Coordinator and Academic Advisor, said, “The Daughters of Charity were invited to expand their ministry in healthcare and education in Boston by the Archdiocese, so it is very fitting that the spiritual leader of the Archdiocese, Sean Cardinal O’Malley, should join with us to celebrate our 125th anniversary.”

“We are delighted to host Cardinal O’Malley who has continually emphasized the need for Catholic education in Massachusetts and beyond. Our mission of making healthcare education accessible to all has deep roots in our Catholic tradition,” said Dr. Lea Johnson, Interim President.

The mass will be held on Friday, September 29th at the Convent Chapel of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston, located on the campus of Fontbonne Academy, 444 Centre Street, Milton MA. A reception will be held in the College’s foyer following the liturgy. The public is welcome to join us in celebrating and we hope you will attend. Please send RSVPs to Presidents_office@laboure.edu

About Labouré College: Celebrating 125 years in healthcare education, Labouré is the longest provider of nurses in the Boston area. Labouré College is an independent, private, non-profit, Catholic college, specializing in nursing and healthcare career education. The College is located at 303 Adams Street in Milton. 

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