Radiation Therapy Named One of the Most Meaningful Jobs in America
Laboure College offers an Associates Degree in Radiation Therapy, which has been named one of the most meaningful jobs in America.
Wondering what a career in Raditation Therapy looks like? Lauren Cooper, graduate of Laboure's Radiation Therapy associate's degree program tells us what it's like to work in this challenging and fulfilling field.
Where are you working right now?
I am the Chief Radiation Therapist at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Plymouth, MA. My dream job is to stay right where I am and possibly move up to a department management position one day.
Describe a typical day at the Chief Radiation Therapist at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Plymouth, MA.
We are a fairly busy site that offers a wide range of treatments. I manage two other therapists as well as five per diem therapists. My day varies from treating on the machine to doing simulations to helping out with administrative tasks. I love working with the patients and making a difference in their lives. As radiation therapists, our goal at our center is to make a dreadful situation as pleasant as possible for our cancer patients. We often throw parties for our patients and their caregivers. I enjoy listening to their stories, learning about their lives and meeting their families. Radiation therapy is special because we have the ability to create a bond with our patients unlike other fast paced modalities.
Why did you choose to purse the Radiation Therapy program at Labouré College?
From ages 16-20 I worked as a specimen processor in the Pathology Lab at South Shore Hospital in Weymouth, MA and then as an aide in the MRI department for 7 years after that. I attended St Anselm College as a Biology/premed major with the intent of going to medical school. Over time, I changed my career goals to something that I could achieve closer to home and in a shorter period of time. Labouré allowed me to continue to achieve my goal to be in healthcare while staying closer to home.
I chose radiation therapy because I would be able to care for patients and have a rewarding career in just 3 years. I was originally planning on returning to my goal of going to medical school but I enjoy every minute of what I do now and couldn’t imagine doing anything different.
How did Labouré prepare you to become a radiation therapist?
The clinical experience that Labouré offers is invaluable. It allowed me to gain hands on skill that was necessary to become what I am today. The varieties of clinical sites offered gave me the opportunity to take what I learned from each place and create my own set of valuable skills.
Ready to learn more about Radiation Therapy? Contact Admissions to sign up for the next Information Session- admissions@laboure.edu or (617) 202-3490.
Laboure College offers an Associates Degree in Radiation Therapy, which has been named one of the most meaningful jobs in America.
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