Milton, MA. November 13, 2014

Labouré College is proud to announce its participation in FEMA Virtual Table Top Exercises (VTTX). The purpose of VTTX is to, "enable the participants to exercise their knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to effectively conduct all-hazards emergency preparedness, response and recovery." 1

Participants in the VTTX are the College's security personnel and Dr. Lawrence Roberge, Associate Professor. Having completed VTTX in Pandemic Flu in October, the College is also registered to participate in the upcoming Winter Storm (November 14) and Active Shooter (February 19) training exercises. The experience of these training exercises, "demonstrate Laboure College working and training for adverse events that affect the College and the community as a whole," says Dr. Roberge.

Working alongside FEMA will prepare Labouré's staff and provide greater understanding and mobility in a crisis situation.


For more information:

FEMA Virtual Table Top Exercises (VTTX) Public Health-focused Pandemic Influenza Scenario - Training Opportunity - V-0002 - VTTX Pandemic Influenza October 2014.pdf

FEMA Virtual Table Top Exercises (VTTX) Active Shooter - Training Opportunity - V-0025 - Virtual Tabletop Exercise Series (VTTX) Active Shooter Focus.pdf?d=10/14/2014

FEMA Virtual Table Top Exercises (VTTX) Winter Storm - Training Opportunity - V-0002 - Virtual Tabletop Exercise Series (VTTX) Winter Storm Focus.pdf?d=10/15/2014

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