Respiratory Care
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Respiratory Care

Respiratory therapists help patients who have difficulty breathing.

Professional Courses

RSC 1010 Respiratory Care Procedures I (4 credits)
RSC 1020 Clinical Applications I (1 credit)
RSC 1030 Respiratory Care Procedures II (4 credit)
RSC 1040 Clinical Applications II ( 3 credits)
RSC 2010 Pulmonary Pathology (3 credits)
RSC 2020 Clinical Applications III (3 credits)
RSC 2030 Respiratory Care Procedures III (4 credits)
RSC 2040 Advanced Clinical Applications I (3 credits)
RSC 2050 Respiratory Care Procedures IV (4 credits)
RSC 2060 Advanced Clinical Applications II (3 credits)
RSC 2070 Advanced Clinical Applications III (3 credits)

Arts and Sciences Courses

You may be eligible for transfer credit for some of the following general education courses; please refer to the Transfer Credit Policy for the Associate in Science in Respiratory Care for details.

ANA 1010 Anatomy & Physiology I (4 credits)
ANA 1120 Anatomy and Physiology II (4 credits)
ETH 1010 Healthcare Ethics (3 credits)
ENG 1010 English Composition (3 credits)
ENG 2000 English Elective (3 credits)
HUM 2000 Humanities Elective (3 credits)
MAT 1000 Math Elective (3 credits)
MIC 2201 Microbiology for Healthcare Professionals (4 credits)
PSY 1010 Introductory Psychology (3 credits)
PSY 2010 Human Growth & Behavior (3 credits)

Total program credits: 68

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