President's Welcome


    Welcome to Labouré College of Healthcare!

    Labouré is the longest post-secondary educator of nurses in Boston. Our legacy is more than 8,000 nurses and healthcare professionals who have cared for and treated their patients with great skill and compassion.

    Labouré was founded in 1892 by the Daughters of Charity, a Catholic order of women dedicated to caring for the underserved and the sick. They were unlike any other order at the time because they chose to live and work in the poorest communities with the greatest need. The Daughters of Charity believed that every individual was deserving of exceptional care and compassion. Today the college is an independent institution that continues to embrace the values held by the Daughters of Charity - a deep respect for human dignity and compassion for those in need of care. 

    Labouré nurses and healthcare professionals come from varied backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, and cultures. As a child of immigrant parents myself, I know that when people from different backgrounds come together - everything is enriched because of it. When a patient has a nurse who speaks their primary language, understands their culture, and looks like them, it fosters a sense of trust and safety, creating a connection between the nurse and patient. 

    Our students are hardworking adults, many of whom are parents. Many have also cared for sick and elderly family members. For most Labouré students, it is an illness or loss of a loved one that has inspired them to care for others. It is this perspective and maturity that will enable them to relate to their future patients with compassion and understanding. 

    In a time when the value of a college degree is being questioned, there is no debating the value of a Labouré education. Our students' lives are transformed by access to fulfilling careers with family-sustaining salaries. Most importantly, our community gains a diverse healthcare workforce rooted in a long-standing tradition of care and compassion.

    Lily S. Hsu, Ed.D.