Our Students

Our students come from many backgrounds but share a common goal: to give patients exceptional care.


Getting help when you're ill can be scary and stressful - but a caring face can make all the difference. We know that healthcare outcomes improve when patients have nurses who speak their language, understand their culture, and look like them. Educating healthcare providers who better reflect and serve our community is at the heart of Labouré's mission.

When students graduate, they stay to deliver care here in their own communities. Their communities gain diverse providers grounded in our tradition of care and compassion, and our students' lives are transformed - not just by a fulfilling career, but by a salary that supports their families.

Student Snapshot

Enrolled part-time 95%
Work while in school 80%
Live in Massachusetts 93%
Have children 48%
Need financial aid 85%
Age range 18 - 64
Average age 36
Race/Ethnicity Percentage
White 36%
Black 28%
Hispanic 11%
Asian 2%
Multiracial 3%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander <1%
American Indian <1%
Did not report 19%



Keeping the Faith

Her Catholic upbringing and born-again Christian faith informs BSN student Rosemarie's nursing care, allowing her to deeply connect with patients.

Rosemarie Valcin-Anderson, BSN '18

Education, faith, and mission

Before coming to the US from Peru, Sr. Gladys had no medical training. At Labouré, she developed her technical skills and her compassionate care skills.

Sr. Gladys Segovia-Leon, RN ’07, BSN ’10 Laboure Nursing Student



My class is made up of the nicest, most interesting group of people.

At Labouré, the students are from all over the world. Some of my best friends are from Africa, Haiti, and Jamaica. Working and learning with such a diverse group of classmates has been a learning experience in itself. We all have different skill sets we can use to reach our common goal of becoming RNs. The diversity allows you to look at solutions to problems from many different angles which is crucial to critical thinking, a core concept of the program.

John Cummings, RN '18


Video Reel


My uncle passed away from lymphoma, and that's how I got interested in the cancer field. Knowing myself, I just couldn't go to school for 13 years to become an oncologist. I have a lot of other life goals I'd like to reach. When I found Labouré, I really liked it because I really like small class sizes.

Melissa, '17 Radiation Therapy Graduate