
Educating the women and men who will care for us all. Each year, Labouré graduates the most nurses of any school in Massachusetts.



Labouré’s current leadership team brings together professionals with many decades of experience in education and medicine.

Beyond that, we have the vision necessary to prepare the men and women who are changing the face of healthcare.

Lily S. Hsu, Ed.D.


Dr. Hsu is a former vice chair of Labouré’s board of directors. She brings the college strategic leadership and academic programming skills gained in top roles at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and at Johnson & Wales University. Dr. Hsu also is a past member of the New England Commission for Higher Education.

B.A., Pennsylvania State University
M.S., Pennsylvania State University
Ed.D., Columbia University


C. Chad Argotsinger, Ph.D.
C. Chad Argotsinger, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs

B.S., University of Vermont
M.A., Bowling Green State University
Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

Katelyn Dwyer
Katelyn Dwyer
Executive Director of Communications and Development

B.A., University of Massachusetts, Boston
M.S., Full Sail University

William McDonald
William McDonald
Vice President of Finance and Administration

B.S., Northeastern University

Jeremy Shepard
Jeremy Shepard
Vice President of Student Services and Chief Student Affairs Officer

B.A., Suffolk University
M.Ed., Suffolk University

Labouré’s senior staff draw on diverse backgrounds and expertise in higher education. They are dedicated to communicating the college’s message, strengthening its academic offerings, and ensuring smooth operations.

Our board of directors partners with the Labouré administration to steer the college into the future. Its members include healthcare administrators and providers, legal experts, management consultants, finance/banking executives, and faith-based leaders with ties to higher education.

President’s Welcome

lily blog

Dr. Lily S. Hsu has been president at Labouré since 2019.

Welcome to Labouré College of Healthcare! Labouré is the longest post-secondary educator of nurses in Boston. Our legacy is more than 8,000 nurses and healthcare professionals who have cared for and treated their patients with great skill and compassion.

Labouré was founded in 1892 by the Daughters of Charity, a Catholic order of women dedicated to caring for the underserved and the sick. They were unlike any other order at the time because they chose to live and work in the poorest communities with the greatest need. The Daughters of Charity believed that every individual was deserving of exceptional care and compassion. Today the college is an independent institution that continues to embrace the values held by the Daughters of Charity - a deep respect for human dignity and compassion for those in need of care.

Labouré nurses and healthcare professionals come from varied backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, and cultures. As a child of immigrant parents myself, I know that when people from different backgrounds come together - everything is enriched because of it. When a patient has a nurse who speaks their primary language, understands their culture, and looks like them, it fosters a sense of trust and safety, creating a connection between the nurse and patient.

Our students are hardworking adults, many of whom are parents. Many have also cared for sick and elderly family members. For most Labouré students, it is an illness or loss of a loved one that has inspired them to care for others. It is this perspective and maturity that will enable them to relate to their future patients with compassion and understanding.

In a time when the value of a college degree is being questioned, there is no debating the value of a Labouré education. Our students’ lives are transformed by access to fulfilling careers with family-sustaining salaries. Most importantly, our community gains a diverse healthcare workforce rooted in a long-standing tradition of care and compassion.

Lily S. Hsu, Ed.D.

Board of Directors

Our board of directors partners with the Labouré administration to steer the college into the future.

Its members include healthcare administrators and providers, legal experts, management consultants, finance/banking executives, and faith-based leaders with ties to higher education.

Meet our Board


Joseph M. Rizzo
Joseph M. Rizzo
Board Chair

Independent Financial Consultant Quincy, MA

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Roberta Coen
Roberta Coen
Vice Chair JD

US Commercial at Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Cumberland, RI

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Watura Finley
Watura Finley

Senior Vice President of Workforce and Training at Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers
Boston, MA

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Kim Bassett
Kim Bassett

Interim COO at Steward St. Elizabeth Medical Center
Boston, MA

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Fr. Eric Cadin
Fr. Eric Cadin

Archdiocese of Boston
Dedham, MA

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Robert DiMase
Robert DiMase

Partner, Sentinel Benefits & Financial Group
Needham, MA

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Debra Farrar-Parkman
Debra Farrar-Parkman

Director of Development, East Boston Neighborhood Health Center
Boston, MA

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Thérèse Fitzgerald
Thérèse Fitzgerald

Community-Led Solutions, LLC Boston University School of Social Work
Boston, MA

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George Geary
George Geary

Senior Healthcare Executive and RN
Milton, MA

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Deirdre Houtmeyers
Deirdre Houtmeyers

Consultant Former President/CEO at St. Mary’s Center for Women and Children
Belmont, MA

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Jeanne Kelly
Jeanne Kelly

CNO and VP Patient Care Services at Steward St. Elizabeth's Medical Center
Brighton, MA

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Mary Anne Lagan
Mary Anne Lagan

Natick Preschool
Natick, MA

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Bill McGinley
Bill McGinley

President / CEO of the American College of Health Care Administrators, Retired
Natick, MA

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Joshua B. Siegel
Joshua B. Siegel

Director at Citrin Cooperman Advisors LLC
Easton, MA

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Marcel Vernon, Sr.
Marcel Vernon, Sr.

Executive Director at Massachusetts Convention Center Authority
Boston, MA

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Strategic Planning

Advancing Healthcare Education: Expanding Access, Success, and Career Opportunities

As institutions around the country struggle to adapt, Labouré College of Healthcare has persevered. The institution has seen increasing enrollment as well as a promising 5-year financial trend.

This puts the College in an excellent position to undertake a new strategic plan and build for the future. The new strategic plan will align with the College’s tradition of serving a diverse, adult, working student population with a vision of excellence, access, collaboration, and solution-focused education. With this plan, the College seeks to fortify its position as the leading provider of healthcare education for this diverse, adult and so often underserved population in the greater Boston area and beyond.

Strategic Vision and Initiatives

The 2022-2027 Strategic Plan identifies six initiatives that reflect our mission and commitment.

We aspire to be a model of excellence, recognized for innovative and collaborative approaches to education for practice in the health sector. We are committed to preparing practitioners who reflect on and care for a diverse patient population, and to fostering interdisciplinary approaches to address complex issues within healthcare and society.

Our focus is on data-driven action, engagement with our stakeholders, responding to the needs of our diverse adult student body and the healthcare industry, providing professional support and advancement for faculty and staff, as well as making financially sound and agile decisions.

Below is a list of our six strategic agenda initiatives. A more detailed listing of initiatives is available through our Summary: Strategic Agenda 2022 - 2027, available for download below.

Strategic Vision and Initiatives

Initiative 1

Enhance our visibility across all key audiences, emphasizing Labouré’s unique strengths and value as a high-quality provider of healthcare education for all learners.

Initiative 2

The approximate length of completion of the LPN to RN program at a full-time pace

Initiative 3

Diversify and grow an academic program portfolio to best meet the needs of our student population as well as the needs of the healthcare industry and build on and expand faculty and staff expertise to ensure learner success in these new areas.

Initiative 4

Seek out and engage with diverse partnerships to reinforce our position as a regional leader in healthcare education.

Initiative 5

Create and sustain data-driven systems, policies, and procedures to inform campus planning, evaluation, management, and Board governance systems.

Initiative 6

Ensure our long-term success through sustainable investment in infrastructure, technology, finances, and physical space.

Care for your future.

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