Neurodiagnostic Technology
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Neurodiagnostic Technology Certificate

Change your career online in one year.

Neurodiagnostic technologist at work

Working as a neurodiagnostic technologist

A neurodiagnostic technologist performs procedures including electroencephalograms (EEG), evoked potentials (EP), polysomnograms (PSG or sleep studies), nerve conduction studies (NCS), and long term monitoring. All of these procedures can help in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological problems ranging from common headaches, head and spinal injuries as sometimes seen in athletes, seizures, sleep disorders, strokes and unexplained comas.

Neurodiagnostic technologists work in hospitals, clinics and doctors offices. More experienced technologists may work in the operating room. With the continued rapid advances in technology some technologists also find challenging positions in the world of research, as well as within the medical instrument industry.

NDT Careers

Feel confident that you will find a new career in the NDT field

On average, 100% of our program completers from 2020 - 2022 reported employment in their field! The projected growth in the industry is higher than average, with over 12,000 job openings anticipated in the next decade (O*NET online). 

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Video Reel


Jacquelyn Polito, MHA, REEGT, RPSGT, RST

Hear from the chairperson of the NDT program what the program is like and what a day in the life looks like for a neurodiagnostic technologist.



Chair Named ASET Fellow

This distinction is awarded to those who have made numerous contributions to both the society and the profession on a local and national level.

Jacquelyn Polito '85

Blazing a Trail in Brain Research

Dr. Muthinji's research over his career contributed to present-day practices in home video telemetry and sleep studies.

Dr. Peter Muthinji, '83


NDT Testimonial

“I began working in the field less than a year into training”

"With a combination of high-quality theoretical classes and hands-on clinical experience, the Neurodiagnostic program at Labouré allowed me to learn and grow at such a level that I began working in the field less than a year into training and became the Chief Technologist at one of Boston's finest hospitals just 4 years after graduation.

I am very grateful for my experience at Labouré because it provided me the opportunity to break into an exciting field and become a valued member of a health care team."

CHRISTINE SCOTT '09, MGH Neurodiagnostic Technology Certificate

Meet the Faculty

Jacquelyn Polito
Jacquelyn Polito

NDT Chairperson and Associate Professor

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Debby Baydoun
Debby Baydoun

Associate Professor & Clinical Site Coordinator

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Cory Tyler
Cory Tyler
R. EEG. T. 

Adjunct Faculty

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